If Children Need Assistance, 999 for Kids Steps Up!
Its name is a reference to a law enforcement radio code: 999.
It means “Officer needs emergency help.” But, in this case, it’s not a reference to an officer in need. It’s a reference to children in need.

999 for Kids was created in 1985 through a joint effort of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the County’s Department of Children and Family Services. The two county agencies began working together after they recognized a need to help physically and mentally challenged children who are medically vulnerable or are victims of the most severe cases of child abuse, neglect and family violence.
The program raises money to purchase special items and services for these children, including sport wheelchairs, computers, special education classes, medically oriented toys and games. The funds send children to summer camps for the deaf, the blind and those with other medical issues who would not otherwise have such positive experiences.
The children they help include people like Tyler, a 16-year-old boy who was suffering from asthma, hypertension and diabetes. He weighed 769 pounds when his needs came to the attention of the DCFS. Tyler’s weight and medical conditions rendered him non-ambulatory — and unable to sleep on a regular bed.
When DCFS visited Tyler’s home, where his father also cared for his mother, who suffered from lupus, they found he was sleeping on a mattress on the floor, as typical bed frames were breaking under his weight.
Esperanza Gonzalez, a Supervising Case Social Worker for the DCFS, started researching special beds that might improve Tyler’s social, physical and emotional well-being. After two months of trying to find a source willing to purchase the bed, Gonzalez contacted 999 for Kids. Two weeks later, 999 for Kids arranged for the $4,000 bed to be delivered to his home. His condition began to improve and he lost significant weight.
This is just one example of how 999 for Kids profoundly changes children’s lives. Others abound. For example, Miller Children’s Hospital in Long Beach received 54 DVD players from 999 for Kids, providing the hospital a valuable tool to help hospitalized children cope.
“We’re so grateful that 999 for Kids chose Miller Children’s for such a generous donation,” Rita Goshert, clinical operations manager of the hospital’s Child Life Department, said in a statement released by the hospital. “Watching videos serves as a wonderful distraction for hospitalized children, so this donation will help patients and their families cope with hospitalization.”
Identifying children’s needs and meeting them — that’s the goal of 999 for Kids, whether the need is for a group of children, like those at Miller Children’s Hospital, or for an individual, like Samira, who was 17 and legally blind. She loved to write short stories, and she came to DCFS attention due to her mother’s refusal to provide necessary medical care, causing Samira to suffer from depression. The withdrawn Samira was placed in foster care and improved with counseling.
Upon being made aware of Samira’s need, 999 for Kids purchased a $9,000 specialized Braille machine that allowed Samira to communicate and read in comfort — enhancing her experiences in home and at school.
Sheriff’s Captain Roosevelt Johnson said, “999 for Kids couldn’t do any of these things without contributions from our supporters.”
“Children who are brought to the attention of the 999 for Kids program are the victims of the worst cases of emotional and physical abuse and neglect,” Johnson said. “Without the generous support of our donors and partners, we would not be able to provide the assistance these children desperately need. We greatly appreciate your support.”